Overview Plugin


This plugin adds an alternative user interface to Torrus. The main feature is that it allows for creation of overview pages showing counters from different parts of a tree. For example a page containing all CPU usage counters of all network devices.

Other features are:

    <param name="rrd-create-rra">
        RRA:AVERAGE:0.1:12:17472 RRA:MAX:0.1:12:17472 RRA:MIN:0.1:12:17472
        RRA:AVERAGE:0.1:288:1456 RRA:MAX:0.1:288:1456 RRA:MIN:0.1:288:1456
        RRA:AVERAGE:0.1:2016:416 RRA:MAX:0.1:2016:416 RRA:MIN:0.1:2016:416

This plugin has been tested with Internet Explorer 6.0, Netscape 7.1, and Mozilla 1.4. Other browsers were not tested and will most likely not work.

Required Software (apart from Torrus)


Follow the Torrus installation guide for the main software installation.

Unpack the plugin distribution package in some directory:

  gzip -dc tp-overview-1.X.tar.gz | tar xvf -

Then run the Torrus plugin installation utility:

  torrus install_plugin tp-overview-1.X

Restart all Torrus processes, including Apache HTTP daemon.

After the plugin installation has finished:

Install the perl module Apache::ASP acording to the instructions on http://www.apache-asp.org/

Add the following lines to your apache config file (http.conf). Or if you are using apache2 simply copy the file apache2.conf to the /etc/apache2/conf/modules.d directory. (Note: WEBPLAINDIR is /usr/local/torrus/sup/webplain by default):

  ScriptAlias /menu/ "WEBPLAINDIR/menu/"
  ScriptAlias /overviews/ "WEBPLAINDIR/overviews/"
  <Location /menu>
  SetHandler  perl-script
  PerlModule  Apache::ASP
  PerlHandler Apache::ASP
  PerlSetVar  Global /var/torrus/asp
  PerlSetVar NoState 1
  PerlSetVar XSLTParser XML::Sablotron
  PerlSetVar XSLTParser XML::LibXSLT
  PerlSetVar XSLTMatch xml$
  PerlSetVar XSLT menu.xsl
  PerlSetVar RequestParams 1
  <Location /overviews>
  SetHandler  perl-script
  PerlModule  Apache::ASP
  PerlHandler Apache::ASP
  PerlSetVar  Global /var/torrus/asp
  PerlSetVar NoState 1
  PerlSetVar XSLTParser XML::Sablotron
  PerlSetVar XSLTParser XML::LibXSLT
  PerlSetVar XSLTMatch xml$
  PerlSetVar XSLT overview.xsl
  PerlSetVar RequestParams 1

The plugin installer creates the directory /var/torrus/asp with the default owner torrus and group torrus and mode 775.

Copy the contents of http://webfx.eae.net/download/tabpane102.zip to 'WEBPLAINDIR'/tabpane

Copy the contents of the jscalendar package to 'WEBPLAINDIR'/calendar


Now you're ready to go. A usage example has been included. In order to use the example you need to follow these additional steps:

    'ovExamples' => {
        'description' => 'Example data for overview',
        'xmlfiles' => [
        'run' => { 'collector' => 1, 'monitor' => 1 } },


Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Christian Schnidrig <christian.schnidrig@bluewin.ch>